Thursday, 18 December 2014

Week 12 (Scripts I've worked on in Tri 3)

I didn't do nearly as much scripting this tri compared to last tri but I believe I've still done enough to count as efficient practice. I've done a little bit of scripting for all the games I've worked on but none that actually got used in the game. For the final game however I decided to work on some scripts to get this part of the tri-requirement completed.

For our game I created scripts that did the following.

I worked on creating a script that kept the cursor of the game inside the screen when played in fullscreen or when the build was pushed. I tried doing this in a few ways but I settled on using a Screen.lockCursor function.

I also created a script that would allow the credits to move rather than just sitting there doing nothing and I scripted our start menu so that it would link correctly between the scenes using Unities GUI system. These also came up as buttons.

On top of this I linked our credits scene and start screen properly so that the game was playable.

In other games I had created movement scripts and and action scripts for interacting with things but as we didn't actually use them in those games, I don't count them.

Here is a screenshot of the scripts I created for our game. You know they're mine because I was the only person on the project using the "s_" tagline for each of my scripts. I would show screenshots of what each of these do but since the assignment was uploaded on GitHub, I believe the scene files have been deleted somehow meaning I am unable to open the actual game anymore.

I believe these are sufficient evidence of my ability to script in C# and I hope they are sufficient to help me pass the subject this tri. Over the period of this Tri I believe I would've spent 1-3 hours scripting per week in total.

Thanks for reading.

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