Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Week 11 (2D and 3D asset creation)

So during this term I've spent time doing scripts, audio and games design, but not any actual original 3D or 2D assets. This is because I personally feel that I am not particularly good at drawing or creating physical things so I end up leaving it to people who are better suited. But as it turns out, I am required to do 3D and 2D assets to pass this trimester so I have spent this afternoon making the best assets I can. They are horrible but they are about as good as I can do with the resources I have at my disposal.

First I tried creating lava and stone so I figured I'd put them together and make a hideous furnace.

Here's the actual texturing on the furnace.

Then I tried creating a roof and a wall texture. The roof is triangular and the walls have a 2D print on them that I created.

The last thing I made was the outhouse which I feel shows that already, albeit a small improvement, over time my ability to create nice looking 3D assets will get better.

This particular one shows off the end of the house which looks smooth and also an addition I added to the outhouse to make it more obvious as to what it is.

Finally here is an overview of the entire area. I believe in time my art skills could be improved upon because this is honestly my first actual attempt at making art probably in the last 8 years and I hope to work on making my own assets over the holidays. I believe I could easily do better than this with a little bit of training.

I hope these assets pass the 2D and 3D asset part of the grade.

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