Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Week 6 (Post Mortem 2)

Process Post-Mortem

1. Important/significant events
● what were they
Completely recreating the game from scratch, twice.
Finally completing the core mechanics of the game so that we could officially "test" the feel of the game.
Deciding that we needed to change the way the movement worked.
Procedurally generated targets.

● what caused them
Lack of forethought about how the game would end up if we pursued the ideas we originally thought of.

● what have you learned from them
To think about the end of the project rather than what's right in front of me.

● what processes or procedures would you enact to manage them in the future projects
Would enforce a proper leader for the group so that nobody felt unsure about what they should be doing. Also thought more about what exactly we wanted the game to "feel" like.

2. How has your choice of production style affected the project quality and quantity?
If we'd spent more time setting out jobs for each member of the team we would've been more effective.

● How much time was spent in each project phase?
Different roles spent different amounts of times. The programmer spent the most amount of time on the game by far. Each phase lasted around the same amount of time.

3. How has your choice of software affected the project quality,quantity and style?
Unity is a great program and 3DS Max was an effective tool for creating the map.


1. Document all the assets (scripts, art, audio, etc.) you have contributed
Same jobs as my last blog in "Week 4 (Post Mortem)" which can be found here:

2. How has the work you’ve contributed help you achieve your professional goals?
Designing a level is definitely something I will be doing in the future although I cannot say the same for a rhythm based game. As I want to go indie I honestly doubt I'd ever decide to do a musical game in my life. This may be naive but that is just how I feel.

● if it hasn't how will you change this in the future
In future I will speak with the group about what genre / type of game will benefit us all mutually. Even in this group, nobody was particularly fond of a musical based game, we just got carried away with doing something different.

3. What are 3 important things you’ve learnt from developing this project?
The team needs a leader.
The team members need to understand what exactly their job is.
The type of game decided on needs to be relevant to the future of all group members.

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