Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Week 4 (Post Mortem)

Post Mortem

Important/significant events

● what were they
We had to recreate the entire assignment after deciding that some of the key elements of the game weren't properly thought out.

● what caused them
Lack of understanding of the project. We got so caught up in theorising a good game we forgot all about practicality and it got the best of us in this case.

● what have you learned from them
That thinking ahead is extremely important when thinking of concepts for games. You may think it is the most fantastic game in existence, but how can it be if you're unable to create it?

● what processes or procedures would you enact to manage them in the future projects
I'd make sure that the group has an official team leader and if nobody is willing to step up, I will do it myself. I would also make sure that all work was shared equally among the group rather than some doing particularly hard work and others doing easier work.

How has the work you’ve contributed help you achieve your professional goals?

● if it hasn’t how will you change this in the future
I was not able to do any programming to the level that I wanted and in the future I would make sure I think ahead and get myself a role that I feel will help me in the field I want to practice in.

Document all the assets (scripts, art, audio, etc.) you have contributed
A script, and I did a lot of actual level design rather than creating content. I contributed audio files and sound effects to the project as well.

How has your choice of production style affected the project quality and quantity?
We really should have had a leader managing the group rather than people being relied on to take the incentive. I felt a lot of the time like I wasn't able to contribute properly to the game because we didn't have much face time due to the classes being split. Also the one group meeting we did have I was unable to attend due to only finding out about it the night before.

● How much time was spent in each project phase?
I probably spent 5-6 hours in each phase of the project which was not as much as some other group members but again this is due to job allocation not being distributed fairly which I would indeed change in the future.

How has your choice of software affected the project quality,quantity and style?
I like Unity a lot and I do not think this prohibited our ability to make the game at all, in fact I believe it inhibited us. I did have a few issues with Unity due to my version doing strange things with my game objects but I believe that would be an easy fix if it became too much of a hindrance.

What are 3 important things you’ve learned from the playtesting session, about your game
specifically or game design/production in general.
The game needs to be faster paced.
It also needs to be less complex controls wise (remove left and right click)
The movement scheme needs to be severely changed. (Perhaps block movement rather than smooth.)

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